Venue hire enquiry formVenue hire at the Athletic Centre Contact detailsOrganisationContact nameEmailContact numberAddressPost codeBooking detailsEventPreferred event dateAlternative event dateEvent arrival time (including setup)Event departure timeEstimated attendance numberMode of transportPlease select...BusTrainPrivate vehiclesBooking typeAthletic Carnival Aincludes: warm up arena, track office, PA, field equipment and furnitureAthletic Carnival Bincludes: competition arena, presentation room, PA, grandstand seating, field equipment and furnitureAthletic Carnival Cincludes: ALL Carnival B plus grand prix room and video boardAthletic Carnival DMajor events only: includes both arenas and all roomsOtherOther booking please specify (e.g. film shoots, football, conference and meetings)Video board operator (for Athletic carnival C or D)Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre staffPhoto finish operatorsMore optionsCateringYesNoPlease note: Self catering is not permitted at the Athletic CentreSecurityYesNoThe Athletic Centre is part of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority. Any personal information that you provide to the Sydney Olympic Park Authority (5 Olympic Boulevard, NSW 2127) will be held in a data base shared with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. You have the right to access and correct the information. For full details, you can access our Privacy Policy.reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam.The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.