
If you live, work or study in or around Sydney Olympic Park, this is the place for you.

Changed parking conditions in the parklands

Sydney Olympic Park is changing the parking conditions for parkland areas to improve the experience for visitors and to support the ongoing management of the parklands. 

From February 2025, there will be new parking conditions in Bicentennial Park, Blaxland Riverside Park and Parklands Junction P5b (URBNSURF) and P5c (Pump Track and BMX Track).

You must register your vehicle plate number to receive the first 2 hours of parking for free, then a parking fee will apply:

  • $3 per hour fee on weekdays, and
  • $5 per hour fee on weekends.

Please visit mySOP Engage for more information.

Community notices

12 Mar 2025
  • Royal Easter Show 2025 parking changes
    Parking within the Town Centre at Sydney Olympic Park will be significantly reduced from Thursday 27 March until Thursday 1 May. In addition, P5c will be in major event mode between Tuesday 8 April to Friday 25 April.
  • Upgrades and site works
    There is a range of improvement works happening around the Park over March - April. These include:
    • Louise Sauvage Pathway refurbishment works
    • Murama Dance Ground and Bush Tucker Garden edging 
    • Repairs to ‘welcome’ gateway signage on Australia Ave
    • Refurbishment of the horse trail at Wentworth Common
    • Garden refurbishment outside Quay Centre 
  • Public Notice
    Wentworth Common, Newington Armory, P5a and P5c car park
    A licence is proposed for use of spaces within Sydney Olympic Park by Royal Agricultural Society of NSW for the Sydney Royal Easter Show between 4 April - 25 April, 2025. Visit MySOP Engage for more information.
  • Traffic Disruptions for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2
    Site investigations for the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park light rail connection will continue throughout March 2025. Potential impacts: Temporary lane closures, Parking restrictions, Pedestrian and cyclist detours. Working hours: 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. For more information visit:

Community information

Sydney Olympic Park community members at Jacaranda Square lawn with giant letters spelling 'community'
Get involved in the community and find more information about what’s happening in the Park.
Bicentennial Park water features
Learn how to achieve a sustainable lifestyle and protect the environment and ecology here at the Park.
City of Parramatta is the local government area.
Sydney Olympic Park sits within the City of Parramatta local government area.
Haslams pump track
This project will transform the existing mountain cross track into an inclusive outdoor adventure space for all.
Neighbours Nurturing Nature Volunteer
Get involved in projects that will foster guardianship of the parklands, wetlands and waterways of the Park.
Accor Stadium Illumination
At the Park we support a range of community days to help spread awareness or celebrate sporting success.
Community News

#mySOP is an online community engagement hub where you can participate in shaping Sydney Olympic Park. If you live, work or study at or around the Park, this is the place for you.

Get involved!