Ecological research and investigations conducted by Authority staff and independent researchers are published in scientific journals and elsewhere. Publications are available where possible, however copyright restrictions do apply for certain publications – they may be sourced through the respective journal publisher or through university libraries.
Ecological legacy eBook
In this eBook, Park managers, researchers and citizen scientists share their knowledge on a wide spectrum of topics including conservation of frogs, woodland birds and microbats, value of artificial hollows, estuarine wetland management, light pollution and bird and reptile monitoring.

Chronicling 20 years of nature restoration
'20 Years of Healing: Delivering the Ecological Legacy of the Green Games' reveals how adaptive management has been applied to the challenges of nature conservation in the city and charts the Park’s progress to date.
Download eBookeBook Chapters
- Darcovich K (2008) Biodiversity management programs at Sydney Olympic Park. Ecological Management & Restoration 9(2) s3.21. pp148-150
- Kay S (2004) Wastelands to Wetlands: saltmarsh conservation at Sydney Olympic Park. Australian Plant Conservation Vol 13(3) pp12-13
- O’Meara J and Darcovich K. (2015) Twelve years on: Ecological restoration and rehabilitation at Sydney Olympic Park. Ecological Management and Restoration 16(1), 14-28 (
- O’Meara J and Jack A (2012) Measuring success in endangered species management, the Brickpit, Sydney Olympic Park 2006-2011. Australasian Plant Conservation 20(5), 20-22
- Paul S. (2013) (Editor and Chapters author) Workbook for managing urban wetlands in Australia. Sydney Olympic Park Authority, pp. 430.
- Paul S (2014) Successful rehabilitation of a Waterbird Refuge. Wetlands Australia. National wetlands update February 2014—Issue No 24 Australian Government, Department of Environment. Pp37-38
- Paul S. (2008) Challenges in managing the urban wetlands within Sydney Olympic Park. In: Constructed Wetlands. J Kandaswamy & S Vigneswaram (eds). Nova Publications, NY
- Blanche M (2000) New habitat for Green and Golden Bell Frog, Brickpit. Landscape Australia Vol 22(3) pp230-231
- Bower D. S., Stockwell M. P., Pollard C. al. (2012) Life stage specific variation in the occupancy of ponds by Litoria aurea, a threatened amphibian. Austral Ecology 38, pp543–547.
- Bower DS, Pickett EJ, Stockwell MP, Pollard CJ, Garnham JI, Sanders MR (2014) Evaluating monitoring methods to guide adaptive management of a threatened amphibian (Litoria aurea). Ecology and Evolution 4(8), pp1361-1368
- Bower D, Pickett E, Garnham J, Deboo M, McCurry M, Mengerink R… (2014) Diet of a threatened pond frog differs over a small spatial scale Endangered Species Research
- Darcovich K. and O’Meara J. (2008) An Olympic legacy: Green and Golden Bell Frog conservation at Sydney Olympic Park 1993–2006. Australian Zoologist 34(3), pp236–248. (
- Mahony MJ, Hamer AJ, Pickett EJ, McKenzie DJ, Stockwell MP Garnham JI, Keely CC, L Deboo M, O'Meara J, Pollard CJ, Clulow S, Lemckert FL, BowerDS, Clulow J (2013) Identifying conservation and research priorities in the face of uncertainty: a review of the threatened bell frog complex in eastern Australia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(3), pp519-538
- Muir G (2008) Design of a movement corridor for the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea at Sydney Olympic Park. Australian Zoologist 4(3), pp297-302. (
- NSW Department of Environment & Climate Change (2008) Best practice guidelines: Green and Golden Bell Frog habitat
- NSW Department of Environment & Climate Change (2008) Protecting and restoring Green and Golden Bell Frog habitat.
- O’Meara J. and Darcovich K. (2008) Gambusia control through the manipulation of water levels in Narawang Wetland, Sydney Olympic Park 2003-2005. Australian Zoologist 34(3), 285– 290. (
- Penman T et al (2008) Impact of a chytrid mortality event on a population of Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aureaAustralian Zoologist 4(3), pp314-318. (
- Pickett E, Stockwell M, Pollard CJ, Garnham J, Clulow J, Mahony M (2012) Estimates of sex ratio require the incorporation of unequal catchability between sexes. Wildlife Research 39 (4), pp350-354
- Pickett J. E., Stockwell M. P., Bower D. S. et al. (2013b) Six year demographic study reveals threat of stochastic extinction for remnant populations of a threatened amphibian. Austral Ecology 39, pp244–253.
- Pickett EJ, Stockwell MP, Bower DS, Garnham JI, Pollard CJ, Clulow J (2013) Achieving no net loss in habitat offset of a threatened frog required high offset ratio and intensive monitoring. Biological Conservation 157, pp156-162
- Threlfall C et al (2008) Do Green and Golden Bell Frogs Litoria aurea occupy sites with antifungal properties? Australian Zoologist 34(3)pp350-360. (
- Paul S and Farran M. (2009) Experimental and field regeneration of coastal saltmarsh within Sydney Olympic Park. Wetlands (Australia), 25(2): 38-54.
- Paul S., Young R. and MacKay A. (2007) Experimental control of Juncus acutus. Wetlands (Australia), 24(2): 90-104.
- Paul S and Young R. (2006) Experimental control of Juncus acutus. Wetlands (Australia), 23(2): 1-13.
- Sommerville, K., et al.(2012), Reproductive biology of a threatened Australian saltmarsh plant – Wilsonia backhousei. Aquatic Botany, doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.12.010
- Sommerville K, Rossetto M, Pulkownik A (2013) Maximising adaptive potential in translocated populations of clonal saltmarsh plants: a case study on Wilsonia backhousei, Convolvulaceae. Wetlands Ecology and Management 21(3)
- Webb C (2011) Observations on the foraging behaviour of the introduced honeybee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on the saltmarsh plant Sarcocornia quinqueflora at Sydney Olympic Park. Australian Zoologist 35(3) pp884-887
- Turton, M (2010) Monitoring a maternity colony of White-striped Free-tailed Bats (Tadarida australis) in a building. Australasian Bat Society newsletter (34)
- Turton, M., and G. Hoye. (2011) The use of a building for breeding by the white-striped freetail-bat Tadarida australis at Newington, Sydney. New South Wales. In: Law, B., Eby, P., Lunney, D., Lumsden, LF (Eds.), The Biology and Conservation of Australasian Bats. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman: 460-463
- Turton M (2012) Impact of light at a Tadarida australis roost entrance, Australian Bat Society Journal, Vol 39, p14
- Velasco s, French K, Law B, Threlfall C (2023) Bat boxes in urban bushland are associated with inflated activity of an urban generalist bat, but not an altered community. Austral Ecology 48(8) pp1978-1996 (
- Clarke P and Benson D (1988) The natural vegetation of Homebush Bay – 200 years of change. Wetlands (Australia) 8(1) (
- Jansen C et al (2009) Blood Sources of Mosquitoes Collected from Urban and Peri-Urban Environments in Eastern Australia with Species-Specific Molecular Analysis of Avian Blood Meals. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81(5), pp. 849–857
- Manning T, Ross G, Symons R (2008) Environmental contaminants found in White-bellied Sea-eagles (Haliaeetus leucogaster) found in Sydney, Australia. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology. Vol 14 pp 21-30
- Paul S. and Hsu T. (2013) Horned Pondweed at Sydney Olympic Park. Australian Plant Conservation, 21(3): 31-33.