Edit or cancel my booking

Hire a space

This page relates to bookings of picnic areas, wedding spaces, and permits. For parking, view Parking page

All changes of location or date are to be made as a cancellation of the original booking.

You can cancel online if you are eligible for 100% Promo Code credit on your booking, based on cancellation terms and conditions:

Cancellation conditions for picnic spaces

Cancellation conditionsValue of Promo Code
Cancel fourteen (14) days or more before the booking date.100% of original booking fee.
Cancel less than fourteen (14) days before the booking date, except the day of the booking date.50% of original booking fee.
No cancellations are available on the day, or after the day, of the booking date.

arrow_right_alt View full Terms and Conditions of Hire - Picnic Areas

Cancellation conditions for Wedding and Special Occasion Photography Permit

Cancellation conditionsValue of Promo Code
Cancel one (1) day or more before the permit date.100% of original fee.

No cancellations are available on the Permit date, or after the Permit date.

If Photography Permit was purchased as part of an Arc of Pines Wedding booking, the cancellation policy of the Arc of Pines Wedding booking applies.

arrow_right_alt View full Terms and Conditions - Wedding and Special Occasion Photography Permit


If you are eligible for partial Promo Code credit only, or cancelling for an Arc of Pines Wedding booking, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Refunds are not payable if you decide to cancel, including for weather conditions, unless SOPA closes the hire/permit area.

Search for my booking

What you need

  • Your booking reference number which can be found in the confirmation message sent to your email address
  • Your email address you used when you confirmed your booking

How to amend your booking

  1. Click on the link below to search for your booking.
  2. Enter your booking reference number (include any zeros ‘0’ in this number).
  3. Enter the email address you used to make your booking.
  4. Select ‘Search’. Your booking summary will appear ready for any changes.
  5. Select ‘Edit Booking’ to make immediate changes.
  6. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to change your booking. Your current booking will be cancelled and a promo code will automatically generate and load to your booking (and an email with this code will be sent to you).
  7. Continue to amend your booking and confirm your changes when completed. A new confirmation email and booking reference number will be emailed to you.

How to cancel your booking and rebook later

  1. Click on the link below to search for your booking.
  2. Enter your booking reference number (include any zeros ‘0’ in this number).
  3. Enter the email address you used to make your booking.
  4. Select ‘Search’. Your booking summary will appear.
  5. Select ‘Cancel Booking’ to remove your booking
  6. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel your booking. Your current booking will be cancelled and a confirmation email with a promo code will be sent to you. You will have 12 months to use the code, after which it expires.