Notice of Proposal to Grant a Licence
s32 (12A) of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 (NSW)
Pursuant to section 32(12A) of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 (NSW), Sydney Olympic Park Authority proposes to grant a licence on the land being Part of the Land identified on the Plan, contained within a fenced area of approximately 16 metres by 16 metres, known as "Automatic Weather Station, Sydney Olympic Park Archery Centre, Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park".
Submissions are invited from persons who wish to comment on the proposal. The proposed licence referred to in this notice will not be entered into before all submissions relating to this proposal have been duly considered.
Part of Lot 71 DP1191648, contained within a fenced area of approximately 16 metres by 16 metres, known as "Automatic Weather Station, Sydney Olympic Park Archery Centre, Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park.
Purposes for which the land will be used under the proposed licences
The premises will be used for:
- Taking and recording meteorological observations and other observations required for the purpose of Meteorology under the Meteorology Act 1955 (Cth) and the Water Act 2007 (Cth)
Term of the proposed licences
5 years, commencing on 1 May 2023 and expiring on 30 April 2028.
How to make submissions
Interested parties may make written submissions on the proposed lease, addressed to:
Parklands Public Notice (F10/935)
Sydney Olympic Park Authority
Attention: Anthony Elphick
Level 8, 5 Olympic Boulevard Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
Submissions may also be lodged by email at [email protected].
Closing date for submissions: Submissions must be received by 15 July 2024
Contact: Anthony Elphick, Chief Financial Officer (02) 9714 7255