Planning and building
Learn the details on designing a development, lodging a development application, building certification requirements and work-related approvals.

Development consent & approvals
Development consent and approvals for local development can be obtained from the Sydney Olympic Park Authority.
A Construction Certificate and Occupation Certificate are required for all development that requires building work.
Parklands uses &
All use and development of the ‘parklands’ is subject to the relevant provisions of the statutory Parklands Plan of Management (2010).
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, most development projects require development consent, either through a development application or complying development certificate.
Further information on the various types of development applications and how to lodge development applications is available here.
Development application lodgement and tracking
All development applications and section 4.55 modification applications are to be lodged through the NSW Planning Portal, as a State Development Application (also known as a local DA). Here you can also view recently determined development applications.
Past development applications (from around 2009 to 2023) can be viewed online using Sydney Olympic Park Authority's development application tracking.
Please contact the Planning Team on (02) 9714 7300 or at [email protected] if you require assistance.
Resource centre
Our relevant planning and building guidelines, policies and boundary maps of the town centre and the parklands are available in the Resource Centre.
This information will help you design a development, prepare and lodge development application.
Other approvals
In addition to planning-related consents, other approvals or a commercial agreement (e.g. licence/lease) may be required. Such approvals/agreements include development in the parklands, development or use of land owned by us and development affecting our operations.
Upon practical completion, developers may be required to provide us with a full set of 'work as executed' documents, for its records. These requirements will be outlined in determination conditions or as part of a lease.
Heritage items
When undertaking development in these precincts, the development must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Heritage Conservation Master Plan for the precincts. Heritage items at Sydney Olympic Park include:
- Newington Armory and Nature Reserve
- State Abattoir Heritage Precinct
- the Olympic Cauldron at Sydney Olympic Park.